Namespace Bonsai.Osc
- CreateTcpClient
Represents an operator that creates an OSC communication client over TCP.
- CreateTcpServer
Represents an operator that creates an OSC communication server over TCP.
- CreateTransport
Provides an abstract base class for operators that create OSC communication channels.
- CreateUdpClient
Represents an operator that creates an OSC communication channel over UDP.
- Format
Represents an operator that formats each element of the sequence as an OSC message.
- Message
Represents an OSC message, including its method address and data arguments.
- Parse
Represents an operator that decodes the data contents from each OSC message in the sequence.
- ReceiveMessage
Represents an operator that reads data contents from the specified OSC communication channel.
- SendMessage
Represents an operator that writes each element of the sequence into an OSC communication channel.
- TimeTag
Provides helper methods for converting to and from OSC time tags.