Namespace Bonsai.ZeroMQ
- ConvertToFrame
Represents an operator that converts a sequence of data objects into a sequence of message frames.
- ConvertToString
Represents an operator that converts a sequence of message frames into a sequence of strings using the default encoding.
- Dealer
Represents an operator that creates a dealer socket for transmitting a sequence of messages and receiving responses asynchronously while maintaining load balance.
- GetIdentity
Represents an operator that extracts all the identity frames from each multiple part message in the sequence, up to and including the empty delimiter frame.
- ProxyBackend
Represents an operator that creates and starts a proxy with the specified back-end socket.
- ProxyFrontend
Represents an operator that specifies the front-end socket for a proxy.
- Publisher
Represents an operator that creates a publisher socket for transmitting a sequence of messages as part of the pub-sub pattern.
- Pull
Represents an operator that creates a pull socket for receiving a sequence of messages as part of the push-pull pattern.
- Push
Represents an operator that creates a push socket for transmitting a sequence of messages as part of the push-pull pattern.
- Request
Represents an operator that creates a request socket for transmitting a sequence of request messages and receiving responses as part of the req-rep pattern.
- Response
Represents an operator that creates a response socket for receiving a sequence of request messages and transmitting generated responses.
- ResponseContext
Represents a request message received by a response socket.
- Router
Represents an operator that creates a router socket for tracking the identity of received requests so that responses can be matched even if computed concurrently.
- SendResponse
Represents an operator that computes the result of a remote request asynchronously and transmits the response through the corresponding socket.
- SocketInfo
Represents information required for creating a NetMQ.NetMQSocket.
- Subscriber
Represents an operator that creates a subscriber socket for receiving a sequence of messages as part of the pub-sub pattern.
- ToMessage
Represents an operator that creates a multiple part message from an observable sequence.
- SocketType
Specifies the basic types of message-queue sockets implementing the core patterns (pub-sub, req-rep, dealer-router, etc).