Push-Pull (Pipeline)
The pipeline (push-pull) pattern is intended for task distribution in a fan-out (one-to-many) or fan-in (many-to-one) pattern. The Push operator is used to distribute messages to a set of anonymous peers using a round-robin algorithm. Peers use a Pull source to receive tasks using a fair-queue algorithm.
The most common application of the pipeline pattern is to implement divide-and-conquer strategies, where a node (Ventilator) divides a large computation into smaller sub-tasks which are distributed to a pool of Workers. All results are then pushed to be aggregated by a collector (Sink).
graph LR
A(Ventilator) ---|PUSH| B(<p></p>)
B -->|PULL| D(Worker)
B -->|PULL| E(Worker)
B -->|PULL| F(Worker)
D ---|PUSH| G(<p></p>)
E ---|PUSH| G
F ---|PUSH| G
G -->|PULL| H(Sink)
Messages are not discarded even if no worker nodes are available to process tasks, and new nodes can join the pattern at any time.
Messages may be lost if a worker node crashes in the middle of processing its chunk, or during transmission of a task. Feedback strategies at the level of the collector may be used to mitigate for such failures if necessary.
Example: Fan-out task distribution
In the example below, a periodic timer distributes unique identifiers to anonymous worker peers. Notice that each identifier is pulled by one and only one worker, using a round-robin strategy.