Table of Contents

Enum PinMode


Specifies the mode of an individual Arduino pin.

public enum PinMode : byte


Analog = 2

The analog pin is configured in analog input mode.

Encoder = 9

The pin is configured for a rotary encoder.

I2C = 6

The pin is configured to access I2C devices.

Input = 0

The digital pin is configured as INPUT.

InputPullUp = 11

The digital pin is configured as INPUT_PULLUP.

OneWire = 7

The pin is configured as a 1-wire bus master.

Output = 1

The digital pin is configured as OUTPUT.

Pwm = 3

The digital pin is configured in PWM output mode.

Serial = 10

The pin is configured for serial communication.

Servo = 4

The digital pin is configured in Servo output mode.

Shift = 5

The pin is configured as a data pin in shiftOut/shiftIn mode.

Stepper = 8

The pin is configured for stepper motor control.