Namespace Bonsai
- ArrayConvert
Provides methods for converting between instances of the Array class and string.
- Combinator
Provides an abstract base class for operators that preserve the type of the source sequence.
- CombinatorAttribute
Specifies that a class provides a method that can combine one or more observable sequences into a new observable sequence.
- Combinator<TResult>
Provides an abstract base class for operators that process an observable sequence into another sequence of the specified element type.
- Combinator<TSource, TResult>
Provides an abstract base class for operators that process an observable sequence of a fixed type into another sequence of the specified element type.
- DesignTypes
Provides assembly qualified names for well-known designer types.
- ExpressionHelper
Provides a set of static methods to manipulate expression trees.
- ExternalizableAttribute
Specifies whether a property is allowed to be explicitly externalized on a workflow editor.
- FileNameFilterAttribute
Specifies the file name filter which determines the choices that appear in the file type selection box of a file dialog.
- HighResolutionScheduler
Provides a set of static properties to access schedulers that use the Stopwatch class for generating timestamps.
- MultidimensionalArrayConverter
Provides a type converter to convert two-dimensional Array objects to and from various other representations.
- NumericRecordConverter
Provides a type converter to convert numeric records to and from various other representations.
- NumericRecordConverter.PropertyDescriptorWrapper
Represents a class used for providing custom property metadata for an object.
- ObservableCombinators
Provides a set of static methods to aid in writing queries over observable sequences.
- PrecisionAttribute
Specifies the number of decimal places and the smallest incremental step that should be used when editing values for a property.
- ProxyTypeAttribute
Specifies a type used to replace the class this attribute is bound to. This attribute is meant for internal use only.
- Range
Provides static methods for creating range objects.
- RangeAttribute
Specifies the valid range of values for a numeric property.
- Range<TValue>
Represents a range of values defined by an inclusive lower and upper bounds.
- ResetCombinatorAttribute
Instructs the build process to reset non-serializable public properties marked with XmlIgnoreAttribute.
- Sink
Represents a generic operation which introduces side effects on an observable sequence without modifying its elements.
- Sink<TSource>
Represents an operation which introduces side effects on observable sequences of a specific type without modifying its elements.
- Source<TSource>
Represents a generator of observable sequences of data elements.
- Transform<TSource, TResult>
Represents an operation on observable sequences which transforms every element of the source sequence into an element in the result sequence.
- TypeVisualizerAttribute
Determines the type of visualizer used to display the target of the attribute.
- UnidimensionalArrayConverter
Provides a type converter to convert one-dimensional Array objects to and from various other representations.
- WindowCombinator
Represents a generic operation which projects each element of an observable sequence into a sequence of windows.
- WorkflowBuildException
Represents errors that occur during the build phase of an expression builder workflow.
- WorkflowBuilder
Represents an XML serializable expression builder workflow container.
- WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute
Determines the category of the workflow element this attribute is bound to.
- WorkflowElementIconAttribute
Specifies the icon that should represent the element this attribute is bound to when drawing the workflow.
- WorkflowException
Represents errors that occur in expression builder workflows.
- WorkflowMetadata
Represents metadata retrieved from a serializable XML workflow.
- WorkflowNamespaceIconAttribute
Specifies the icon that should represent a given namespace in the assembly this attribute is bound to when drawing the workflow.
- WorkflowRuntimeException
Represents errors that occur during the execution of an expression builder workflow.
- XmlNamespacePrefixAttribute
Specifies a recommended prefix to associate with a XML namespace identifier when serializing a workflow file.
- INamedElement
Represents workflow elements that have a name.
- ElementCategory
Specifies the category of a workflow element.