Class Range<TValue>
- Namespace
- Bonsai
- Assembly
- Bonsai.Core.dll
Represents a range of values defined by an inclusive lower and upper bounds.
public sealed class Range<TValue> : IEquatable<Range<TValue>>
Type Parameters
The type of values in the range.
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- Range(TValue, TValue)
Initializes a new instance of the Range<TValue> class with the specified lower and upper bounds.
- Range(TValue, TValue, IComparer<TValue>)
Initializes a new instance of the Range<TValue> class with the specified lower and upper bounds and using the specified comparer.
- LowerBound
Gets the inclusive lower bound of the range.
- UpperBound
Gets the inclusive upper bound of the range.
- Contains(TValue)
Tests whether a specified value falls within the range.
- Equals(Range<TValue>)
Returns a value indicating whether this instance has the same lower and upper bounds as a specified Range<TValue> object.
- Equals(object)
Tests to see whether the specified object is a Range<TValue> object with the same lower and upper bounds as this Range<TValue> instance.
- GetHashCode()
Returns a hash code for the current instance.
- ToString()
Creates a string representation of this Range<TValue>.
- operator ==(Range<TValue>, Range<TValue>)
Tests whether two Range<TValue> objects are equal.
- operator !=(Range<TValue>, Range<TValue>)
Tests whether two Range<TValue> objects are different.