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Class DirectedGraphExtensions


Provides a set of static methods for searching, sorting and manipulating directed graphs.

public static class DirectedGraphExtensions
Inherited Members


Acyclic<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Determines whether a directed graph is acyclic.

DepthFirstSearch<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Traverses through all the directed graph nodes in depth-first order.

DepthFirstSearch<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(Node<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Traverses through all the directed graph nodes in depth-first order, starting from the specified node.

PredecessorEdges<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>, Node<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Returns the sequence of predecessor edges to the specified node.

Predecessors<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>, Node<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Returns the sequence of predecessors to the specified node.

Sinks<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Returns the sequence of all the nodes in the directed graph with no outgoing edges.

Sources<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Returns the sequence of all the nodes in the directed graph with no incoming edges.

Successors<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>, Node<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Returns the sequence of successors to the specified node.

TopologicalSort<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>(DirectedGraph<TNodeValue, TEdgeLabel>)

Traverses through all the directed graph nodes in such a way as to guarantee that for every node in the sequence, all its predecessors have been visited first.