Table of Contents

Constructor DynamicPropertyDescriptor


DynamicPropertyDescriptor(string, Type, Func<object, object>, Action<object, object>, params Attribute[])

Initializes a new instance of the DynamicPropertyDescriptor class using the specified name, type, and dynamic methods for getting and setting property values.

public DynamicPropertyDescriptor(string name, Type type, Func<object, object> getter, Action<object, object> setter, params Attribute[] attributes)


name string

The name of the dynamic property.

type Type

The type of the dynamic property.

getter Func<object, object>

A method used to get the current value of the dynamic property.

setter Action<object, object>

A method used to set the value of the dynamic property to a different value.

attributes Attribute[]

An optional array of Attribute objects that contains the property attributes.