Method Process
Process<TArray, TTemplate>(IObservable<Tuple<TArray, TTemplate>>)
Compares a template against overlapping regions of each array in an observable sequence.
public IObservable<TArray> Process<TArray, TTemplate>(IObservable<Tuple<TArray, TTemplate>> source) where TArray : Arr where TTemplate : Arr
IObservable<Tuple<TArray, TTemplate>>A sequence of pairs of multi-channel arrays representing respectively the values and the template used to compute the map of comparison results.
- IObservable<TArray>
A single-channel array of 32-bit floating-point values representing a map of the comparison results for each overlapping region.
Type Parameters
The type of the array-like objects to compare with the template.
The type of the array-like objects representing the template to compare against arrays in the sequence.