Class FileSink<TSource, TWriter>
Provides a base class for sinks that write the elements from the input sequence into a file.
public abstract class FileSink<TSource, TWriter> : FileSink where TWriter : class, IDisposable
Type Parameters
The type of the elements in the source sequence.
The type of writer that should be used to write the elements.
- Inheritance
FileSink<TSource, TWriter>
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- CreateWriter(string, TSource)
When overridden in a derived class, creates the writer over the specified
that will be responsible for handling the input elements.
- Process(IObservable<TSource>)
Writes all elements of an observable sequence to the specified file.
- Process<TElement>(IObservable<TElement>, Func<TElement, TSource>)
Writes all elements of an observable sequence to a file.
- Process<TElement>(IObservable<TElement>, Func<TElement, TSource>, string)
Writes all elements of an observable sequence to the specified file.
- Write(TWriter, TSource)
When overridden in a derived class, writes a new element into the specified writer.