Table of Contents

Method Process


Process<TSource1, TSource2>(IObservable<TSource1>, IObservable<TSource2>)

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a pair with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2>> Process<TSource1, TSource2>(IObservable<TSource1> source1, IObservable<TSource2> source2)


source1 IObservable<TSource1>

The first observable source.

source2 IObservable<TSource2>

The second observable source.


IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2>>

An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into pairs.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the first source sequence.


The type of the elements in the second source sequence.

Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(IObservable<TSource1>, IObservable<TSource2>, IObservable<TSource3>)

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a triple with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>> Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(IObservable<TSource1> source1, IObservable<TSource2> source2, IObservable<TSource3> source3)


source1 IObservable<TSource1>

The first observable source.

source2 IObservable<TSource2>

The second observable source.

source3 IObservable<TSource3>

The third observable source.


IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>>

An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into triples.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the first source sequence.


The type of the elements in the second source sequence.


The type of the elements in the third source sequence.

Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(IObservable<TSource1>, IObservable<TSource2>, IObservable<TSource3>, IObservable<TSource4>)

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a quadruple with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>> Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(IObservable<TSource1> source1, IObservable<TSource2> source2, IObservable<TSource3> source3, IObservable<TSource4> source4)


source1 IObservable<TSource1>

The first observable source.

source2 IObservable<TSource2>

The second observable source.

source3 IObservable<TSource3>

The third observable source.

source4 IObservable<TSource4>

The fourth observable source.


IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>>

An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into quadruples.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the first source sequence.


The type of the elements in the second source sequence.


The type of the elements in the third source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fourth source sequence.

Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5>(IObservable<TSource1>, IObservable<TSource2>, IObservable<TSource3>, IObservable<TSource4>, IObservable<TSource5>)

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a quintuple with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5>> Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5>(IObservable<TSource1> source1, IObservable<TSource2> source2, IObservable<TSource3> source3, IObservable<TSource4> source4, IObservable<TSource5> source5)


source1 IObservable<TSource1>

The first observable source.

source2 IObservable<TSource2>

The second observable source.

source3 IObservable<TSource3>

The third observable source.

source4 IObservable<TSource4>

The fourth observable source.

source5 IObservable<TSource5>

The fifth observable source.


IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5>>

An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into quintuples.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the first source sequence.


The type of the elements in the second source sequence.


The type of the elements in the third source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fourth source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fifth source sequence.

Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6>(IObservable<TSource1>, IObservable<TSource2>, IObservable<TSource3>, IObservable<TSource4>, IObservable<TSource5>, IObservable<TSource6>)

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a sextuple with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6>> Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6>(IObservable<TSource1> source1, IObservable<TSource2> source2, IObservable<TSource3> source3, IObservable<TSource4> source4, IObservable<TSource5> source5, IObservable<TSource6> source6)


source1 IObservable<TSource1>

The first observable source.

source2 IObservable<TSource2>

The second observable source.

source3 IObservable<TSource3>

The third observable source.

source4 IObservable<TSource4>

The fourth observable source.

source5 IObservable<TSource5>

The fifth observable source.

source6 IObservable<TSource6>

The sixth observable source.


IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6>>

An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into sextuples.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the first source sequence.


The type of the elements in the second source sequence.


The type of the elements in the third source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fourth source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fifth source sequence.


The type of the elements in the sixth source sequence.

Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6, TSource7>(IObservable<TSource1>, IObservable<TSource2>, IObservable<TSource3>, IObservable<TSource4>, IObservable<TSource5>, IObservable<TSource6>, IObservable<TSource7>)

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a septuple with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6, TSource7>> Process<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6, TSource7>(IObservable<TSource1> source1, IObservable<TSource2> source2, IObservable<TSource3> source3, IObservable<TSource4> source4, IObservable<TSource5> source5, IObservable<TSource6> source6, IObservable<TSource7> source7)


source1 IObservable<TSource1>

The first observable source.

source2 IObservable<TSource2>

The second observable source.

source3 IObservable<TSource3>

The third observable source.

source4 IObservable<TSource4>

The fourth observable source.

source5 IObservable<TSource5>

The fifth observable source.

source6 IObservable<TSource6>

The sixth observable source.

source7 IObservable<TSource7>

The seventh observable source.


IObservable<Tuple<TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4, TSource5, TSource6, TSource7>>

An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into septuples.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the first source sequence.


The type of the elements in the second source sequence.


The type of the elements in the third source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fourth source sequence.


The type of the elements in the fifth source sequence.


The type of the elements in the sixth source sequence.


The type of the elements in the seventh source sequence.

Process<TSource>(IObservable<TSource>, IObservable<TSource>, params IObservable<TSource>[])

Merges the specified sources into one observable sequence by emitting a list with the elements of the observable sequences whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<IList<TSource>> Process<TSource>(IObservable<TSource> first, IObservable<TSource> second, params IObservable<TSource>[] remainder)


first IObservable<TSource>

The first observable sequence.

second IObservable<TSource>

The second observable sequence.

remainder IObservable<TSource>[]

The remaining observable sequences to combine.



An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the sources into lists.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the source sequences.


Merges elements from all inner observable sequences into one observable sequence by emitting a list with the elements of each sequence whenever all of the sequences have produced a new element.

public IObservable<IList<TSource>> Process<TSource>(IObservable<IObservable<TSource>> sources)


sources IObservable<IObservable<TSource>>

The observable sequence of inner observable sequences.



An observable sequence containing the result of combining the elements of the inner sequences into lists.

Type Parameters


The type of the elements in the source sequences.