Enum FindExtremesMethod
Specifies the method used to compute extremities of connected components.
public enum FindExtremesMethod
Horizontal = 0
The first extremity will be the vertex furthest to the right, and the second extremity the vertex furthest to the left, in image coordinates.
Vertical = 1
The first extremity will be the vertex nearest to the bottom of the image, and the second extremity the vertex nearest to the top of the image.
MajorAxis = 2
The first extremity will be the vertex furthest along the major axis of the ellipse fit to the connected component, moving clockwise, and the second extremity will be the vertex furthest along the major axis of the ellipse, moving anti-clockwise.
MajorAxisVertex = 3
The first extremity will be the first clockwise vertex of the ellipse fit to the connected component and the second extremity the first anti-clockwise vertex of the ellipse.
Radial = 4
The first extremity will be the vertex furthest away from the centroid of the connected component, and the second extremity will be the vertex furthest away from the first extremity.