Namespace Bonsai.Vision
- AdaptiveThreshold
Represents an operator that applies an adaptive threshold to every grayscale image in the sequence.
- AffineTransform
Represents an operator that creates an affine transformation matrix specified by a translation, rotation and scale.
- ApproximatePolygon
Represents an operator that approximates each polygonal curve in the sequence with the specified precision.
- AverageBinaryRegion
Represents an operator that computes the average binary region from each collection of connected components in the sequence.
- BackgroundSubtraction
Represents an operator that performs image segmentation of every frame in the sequence using an online estimation of the background.
- BinaryRegionAnalysis
Represents an operator that computes image moments from polygonal contours or individual frames in the sequence to extract binary region properties.
- BinaryRegionExtremes
Represents an operator that computes the extremities, or endpoints, of each connected component in the sequence.
- CalibrateCameraChessboard
Represents an operator that finds the camera intrinsic parameters from several views of a chessboard calibration pattern.
- CameraCapture
Represents an operator that generates a sequence of images acquired from the specified camera.
- Canny
Represents an operator that applies the Canny algorithm for edge detection to each image in the sequence.
- CapturePropertyAssignment
Represents a value that will be assigned to the specified camera or video file property upon initialization.
- CapturePropertyCollection
Represents a collection of property values that will be assigned to the specified camera or video file upon initialization.
- Centroid
Represents an operator that computes the centroid of each set of points, image moments, or polygonal contour in the sequence.
- ColorBalance
Represents an operator that applies an independent scale to the color channels of every image in the sequence.
- CompressionParameterAssignment
Provides an abstract base class for configuring various image compression parameters.
- CompressionParameterCollection
Represents a collection of compression parameters used to encode individual images in the EncodeImage operator.
- ConnectedComponent
Represents a collection of measurements extracted from a cluster of connected pixels in an image.
- ConnectedComponentCollection
Represents a collection of connected components.
- ContainsPoint
Represents an operator that determines whether each point in the sequence is contained inside a rectangle, contour, or other polygonal shape.
- ContourConvexity
Provides the result of a convexity analysis of a polygonal contour, representing the deviations between each point in the contour and its convex hull.
- ContourPoints
Represents an operator that copies all points of each contour in the sequence to a new array.
- Contours
Provides a reference to a hierarchy of polygonal contours extracted from an image bitmap.
- ConvertColor
Represents an operator that converts pixels from one color space to another for all images in the sequence.
- ConvertToImage
Represents an operator that converts each array-like object in the sequence into an image.
- ConvexityDefects
Represents an operator that finds the convexity defects of each contour in the sequence.
- CreateExtrinsics
Represents an operator that creates a set of parameters specifying the camera extrinsics.
- CreateIntrinsics
Represents an operator that creates a set of parameters specifying the camera intrinsics.
- CreatePoint
Represents an operator that creates a 2D point with integer coordinates.
- CreatePoint2d
Represents an operator that creates a 2D point with double-precision floating-point coordinates.
- CreatePoint2f
Represents an operator that creates a 2D point with single-precision floating-point coordinates.
- CreatePoint3d
Represents an operator that creates a 3D point with double-precision floating-point coordinates.
- Crop
Represents an operator that crops a rectangular subregion of each image in the sequence, without copying.
- CropCenter
Represents an operator that crops rectangular regions with fixed size around the specified center for each image in the sequence.
- CropPolygon
Represents an operator that crops a polygonal region of interest for each image in the sequence.
- DecodeImage
Represents an operator that decodes an image from each byte buffer in the sequence.
- DistanceTransform
Represents an operator that calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of each image in the sequence.
- DrawConnectedComponents
Represents an operator that renders each set of connected components in the sequence as an image.
- DrawContours
Represents an operator that renders each set of contours in the sequence as an image.
- EncodeImage
Represents an operator that encodes each image in the sequence into a byte buffer in memory using the specified format.
- EnumerateContours
Represents an operator that generates a sequence of all the contours at the same level of the hierarchy, for each contour in the input sequence.
- EqualizeHistogram
Represents an operator that equalizes the histogram of every grayscale image in the sequence.
- FileCapture
Represents an operator that generates a sequence of images from the specified movie file.
- Filter2D
Represents an operator that convolves each image in the sequence with the specified kernel.
- FindChessboardCorners
Represents an operator that finds the positions of internal corners for each chessboard image in the sequence.
- FindContours
Represents an operator that finds the contours of connected components for each binary image in the sequence.
- FindCornerSubPix
Represents an operator that finds the sub-pixel accurate locations of each corner or radial saddle point in the sequence.
- Flip
Represents an operator that flips each image in the sequence around the vertical, horizontal or both axes.
- GoodFeaturesToTrack
Represents an operator that finds strong corner features for each image in the sequence.
- Grayscale
Represents an operator that converts each BGR color image in the sequence to grayscale.
- HaarCascade
Represents an operator that detects objects on each image in the sequence using a pre-trained cascade of boosted Haar classifiers.
- HoughCircles
Represents an operator that finds circles on each grayscale image in the sequence using a Hough transform.
- HoughLines
Represents an operator that finds lines on each binary image in the sequence using a probabilistic Hough transform.
- HsvThreshold
Represents an operator that segments each HSV image in the sequence using the specified color range.
- ImageHistogram
Represents an operator that computes the per-channel color histograms for each image in the sequence.
- ImageWriter
Represents an operator that writes each image in the sequence to the specified stream.
- IntrinsicsTransform
Provides an abstract base class for all operators requiring a specified set of camera intrinsics and distortion parameters.
- IplImageHelper
Provides helper functions to create and manipulate the format of cached image buffers.
- JpegQuality
Provides a class for specifying the quality of image JPEG compression.
- KeyPointCollection
Represents a collection of key points, or features, extracted from a single image frame.
- KeyPointOpticalFlow
Represents a set of sparse correspondences between features detected in a reference image, and matching features detected in the current image.
- Laplace
Represents an operator that calculates the Laplace transform of each image in the sequence.
- LargestBinaryRegion
Represents an operator that finds the largest binary region from each collection of connected components in the sequence.
- LinearPolar
Represents an operator that applies a forward or inverse linear-polar transform to each image in the sequence.
- LoadExtrinsics
Represents an operator that loads a set of camera extrinsics from a YML file.
- LoadImage
Represents an operator that loads an image from the specified file.
- LoadIntrinsics
Represents an operator that loads a set of camera intrinsics from a YML file.
- LogPolar
Represents an operator that applies a forward or inverse log-polar transform to each image in the sequence.
- Lut
Represents an operator that performs a look-up table transformation on all pixels of each image in the sequence.
- Mask
Represents an operator that sets all pixels which are not in the operation mask to a fixed value, for each image in the sequence.
- MaskPolygon
Represents an operator that applies a polygonal mask to each image in the sequence.
- MergeBinaryRegions
Represents an operator that merges connected component collections in the sequence into a single collection.
- MinimumEnclosingCircle
Represents an operator that finds the parameters of the circle with minimal area enclosing each set of 2D points in the sequence.
- MorphologicalOperator
Represents an operator that applies a morphological transformation kernel to each image in the sequence.
- Normalize
Represents an operator that normalizes the range of values for each image in the sequence to be between zero and one.
- OpticalFlow
Represents an operator that computes dense optical flow using Gunnar Farneback’s algorithm across all images in the sequence.
- PngBiLevelCompression
Provides a class for specifying whether PNG bi-level compression.
- PngCompressionLevel
Provides a class for specifying the PNG compression level.
- PngCompressionStrategy
Provides a class for specifying the PNG compression strategy.
- PolarTransform
Provides an abstract base class for operators that apply a polar transform to each image in the sequence.
- PxmBinaryFormat
Provides a class for specifying a binary format flag for PPM, PGM or PBM.
- RangeThreshold
Represents an operator that tests which pixels lie within the specified range for each image in the sequence.
- RegionActivity
Represents information about activity detected inside a specified polygonal region of interest.
- RegionActivityCollection
Represents a collection of activity measurements corresponding to specific polygonal regions of interest.
- Resize
Represents an operator that resizes each image in the sequence to the specified size.
- ResizeCanvas
Represents an operator that resizes the border around each image in the sequence without stretching the image.
- RoiActivity
Represents an operator that calculates activation intensity inside specified regions of interest for each image in the sequence.
- RoiActivityDetected
Represents an operator that tests whether the activation intensity is above a given threshold for each specified region in the sequence.
- SaveExtrinsics
Represents an operator that writes a sequence of camera extrinsics to a YML file.
- SaveImage
Represents an operator that writes each image in the sequence to a file.
- SaveIntrinsics
Represents an operator that writes a sequence of camera intrinsics to a YML file.
- ScalarHistogram
Represents the per-channel histograms for all channels in a multi-channel array.
- Skeletonization
Represents an operator that extracts the topological skeleton of each image in the sequence.
- Smooth
Represents an operator that applies a smoothing operator to each image in the sequence.
- Sobel
Represents an operator that calculates the first, second, third or mixed image derivatives from the sequence using an extended Sobel operator.
- SolidColor
Represents an operator that generates a sequence with a single image where all pixels are set to the same color value.
- SolvePnP
Represents an operator that computes a sequence of camera extrinsics from sets of 3D-2D point correspondences and the specified camera intrinsics.
- SortBinaryRegions
Represents an operator that sorts each collection of binary regions in the sequence by descending order of area.
- SparseOpticalFlow
Represents an operator that calculates the optical flow for each sparse feature set in the sequence, using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method.
- TakeBinaryRegions
Represents an operator that takes the specified number of binary regions from each collection in the sequence.
- Threshold
Represents an operator that applies a fixed threshold to each image in the sequence.
- Undistort
Represents an operator that undistorts each image in the sequence using the specified camera intrinsics.
- UndistortPoints
Represents an operator that undistorts each point coordinate in the sequence using the specified camera intrinsics.
- VideoWriter
Represents an operator that writes a sequence of images into a compressed AVI file.
- VideoWriterDisposable
Represents a disposable reference to a video writer resource.
- WarpAffine
Represents an operator that applies an affine transformation to each image in the sequence.
- WarpPerspective
Represents an operator that applies a perspective transformation to each image in the sequence.
- CameraCalibration
Represents the result of a camera calibration algorithm, including the camera intrinsic parameters and an estimate of the re-projection error.
- Circle
Represents the parameters of a circle.
- Extrinsics
Represents parameters that describe the camera extrinsic properties such as rotation and translation.
- Intrinsics
Represents parameters that describe the camera intrinsic properties such as the focal length or lens distortion.
- LineSegment
Represents the two endpoints of a line segment in pixel-accurate coordinates.
- CapturePosition
Specifies the units of the file capture start position.
- FindExtremesMethod
Specifies the method used to compute extremities of connected components.
- PngCompression
Specifies the available PNG compression strategies.
- SubtractionMethod
Specifies the subtraction method used to isolate foreground pixels.