Struct Extrinsics
Represents parameters that describe the camera extrinsic properties such as rotation and translation.
public struct Extrinsics : IEquatable<Extrinsics>
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- Rotation
The camera extrinsic rotations about the x-, y-, and z- axes of the reference coordinate system.
- Translation
The translation of the camera from the origin of the reference coordinate system.
- Equals(Extrinsics)
Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to the specified Extrinsics structure.
- Equals(object)
Returns a value indicating whether the specified object is an Extrinsics structure with the same parameter values as this Extrinsics structure.
- GetHashCode()
Returns a hash code for this Extrinsics structure.
- ToString()
Creates a string representation of this Extrinsics structure.
- operator ==(Extrinsics, Extrinsics)
Indicates whether two Extrinsics structures are equal.
- operator !=(Extrinsics, Extrinsics)
Indicates whether two Extrinsics structures are different.