Method Process
Process<TArray>(IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, TArray>>)
Performs a look-up table transformation on all pixels of each image in an observable sequence, where each image is paired with a look-up table array.
public IObservable<IplImage> Process<TArray>(IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, TArray>> source) where TArray : Arr
IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, TArray>>A sequence of pairs where the first value contains the images to be transformed, and the second value contains the look-up table array. The values of each image pixel are used as indices into the look-up table array to retrieve the result of the transformation.
- IObservable<IplImage>
A sequence of IplImage objects storing transformed image pixels.
Type Parameters
The type of the array-like objects used as a look-up table.