Table of Contents

Method Process


Process(IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, IplImage>>)

Sets all pixels which are not in the operation mask to a fixed value, for each image in an observable sequence.

public override IObservable<IplImage> Process(IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, IplImage>> source)


source IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, IplImage>>

A sequence of pairs where the first value contains the images to be masked, and the second value contains the operation mask. The zero values of the mask indicate which pixels in the image should be set to the specified fill value.



A sequence of IplImage objects where all zero pixels in the mask have been set to the specified fill value.

Process(IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, IplImage, IplImage>>)

Sets all pixels which are not in the operation mask to the background image, for each foreground image in the observable sequence.

public IObservable<IplImage> Process(IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, IplImage, IplImage>> source)


source IObservable<Tuple<IplImage, IplImage, IplImage>>

A sequence of triples where the first value contains the image to be masked, the second value contains the operation mask, and the third value contains the background image. The zero values of the mask indicate which pixels in the image should be set to the corresponding pixel values in the background.



A sequence of IplImage objects where all zero pixels in the mask have been replaced by the pixels in the background image.