Method Process
Calculates the optical flow for each sparse feature set in an observable sequence, using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method.
public IObservable<KeyPointOpticalFlow> Process(IObservable<KeyPointCollection> source)
IObservable<KeyPointCollection>A sequence of KeyPointCollection objects representing the sparse feature set over which to compute the optical flow. Each element of the sequence is compared with the previous element.
- IObservable<KeyPointOpticalFlow>
A sequence of KeyPointOpticalFlow objects representing the sparse correspondences between subsequent sets of features in the original sequence.
Process(IObservable<Tuple<KeyPointCollection, IplImage>>)
Calculates the optical flow for each sparse feature set in an observable sequence, using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method, where each feature in the set is searched in the new image.
public override IObservable<KeyPointOpticalFlow> Process(IObservable<Tuple<KeyPointCollection, IplImage>> source)
IObservable<Tuple<KeyPointCollection, IplImage>>A sequence of pairs where the first item is a KeyPointCollection object representing the set of features to find, and the second item is a target image on which the algorithm will try to find the features.
- IObservable<KeyPointOpticalFlow>
A sequence of KeyPointOpticalFlow objects representing the sparse correspondences between each set of features in the sequence and a target image.